Sell & Rent Outdoor Gear
We connect buyers and sellers all over the country, empowering people and creating economic opportunity for all through the outdoors. When a listing sells on Nomadz, we donate 10% of net revenues towards conservation efforts and helping others protect their environment.
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Book & Host Adventure Trips
Are you a fly fishing guide or a ski instructor? How about a travel planner within the outdoor industry? Regardless, Nomadz is exactly your audience, ready for you to grow your business your own way. Stop paying high fees to shops and brands and start hosting on Nomadz today.
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![Nomadz - Captains for Clean Water Nomadz - Captains for Clean Water](
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New or Used
Book or Become a Host
Rent Your Gear or Sell It
Have Questions?
Don’t be shy! See below for common questions about Nomadz and what we are all about, including details about peer-to-peer gear sales and rentals, and also adventures trips. We are here to answer your questions 24/7, so click the link below if you don’t find the answer you need.
Our outdoor gear marketplace is a platform where individuals can buy, sell, or trade equipment and apparel designed for outdoor activities. These marketplaces typically offer a wide range of products, including:
- Fishing & Fly Fishing
- Hiking & Camping equipment
- Water Sports
- Hunting equipment
- Snow & Water Sports equipment
- and more!
These are just a few of the examples of common gear. They can be online or physical stores, sometimes from individuals who just have extra gear, and will be labeled new or used items, catering to outdoor enthusiasts of all interests and levels.